The COVID 19 epidemic affects a large number of people and can affect our loved ones, those around us, our employees and customers. In our view, it is essential to comply with the instructions given to us, in order to slow the spread of the virus, limit the number of people infected and, consequently, the mobilization of nursing staff who show so much courage and selflessness to fulfil its mission. We are very grateful to them for that. Stay at home and, when you go to work, follow the safety and hygiene rules that are indicated.

Containment rules strongly disturb economic activity and agricultural plastics are also affected. Almost no country is independent in the production of plastics for agriculture. Each country therefore calls on its neighbours to cover the needs of its market in products which it does not produce enough or not at all. However, it is at this time of year that the planting and cutting of fodder for the winter begins. Our factories order books are full and customers are eagerly awaiting their deliveries. However, the containment rules are not the same in all countries. Some factories have had to close and can no longer deliver to their customers and disruptions in transport are hampering deliveries. Local associations, like the CPA or APE Europe have alerted the national and European authorities so that the agricultural plastics sector is considered necessary for the security of the nation and for the continuity of economic and social life. Failure to deliver our plastics can endanger agricultural production and, in a few weeks, the food chain.

With regard to the collection of used plastics, although Adivalor has made all the arrangements to respond to removal requests, a large number of service providers (carriers, collectors, etc.) apply the containment rules. We must therefore consider that the spring 2020 collection season will be disrupted and that there will be late removals that will take place over the following months.

In this context of health crisis, telework measures have been taken by the CPA and the APE Europe so that our activity does not suffer too much from containment measures in France. Despite everything, we had to postpone our meeting program, in order to allow everyone to settle into this new configuration. From mid-May, we will again organize these meetings essential for the life of our associations.


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