Country: France

Name: CPA (comité de la plasticulture et de l’agro-environnement)

Date of creation of the national collection schemes: 2009

Partners of the scheme: FNSEA, FNA, Coop de France, Adivalor

Volume covered by the scheme: 83.000 tons

Products under scheme: Vegetable and animal production films, twines, nets, anti-hail nets, flexible irrigation pipes


ERDE (Germany)

Country: Germany

Name: ERDE

Date of creation: 2013

Partners of the scheme: Ik (Plastic industry association), APE Europe, DRV (German Cooperatives’ Association), BVA (German Agricultural Trading Association)

Volume covered by the scheme: 30.000 tons

Products under scheme: films for breeding

Website:  www.erde-recycling.de

Country: Norvege

Name: Grønt Punkt Norge

Date of creation: 1997

Partners of the scheme: Plastertur, representing the plastic industry and five other companies for metal, paper, glass, fibber and newspapers

Volume covered by the scheme: 12 844 tons

Products under scheme: All agricultural plastics

Website:  www.grontpunkt.no/english/

Country: Ireland

Name: Irish Farm Film Producers Group (IFFPG)

Date of creation: 2001

Partners of the scheme: established by law

Volume covered by the scheme: 28.000 tons

Products under scheme: films for breeding

Website:  www.farmplastics.ie

Country:  United Kingdom

Name: APE UK

Partners of the scheme: APE Europe

Volume to be covered by the scheme: 50.000 tons

Products under investigation: films, twines and nets for horticulture and breeding

Website: https://ape-uk.com/

Country: Island

Name: Icelandic Recycling Fund

Website: https://www.urvinnslusjodur.is/english/